Happy First Day of Spring

Happy First Day of Spring

These last few weeks have been quite the experience – both with my own personal health and witnessing what’s going on in the world right now. I’m happy to report that I’ve greatly improved. There is more recovery to come; I’m almost always out of breath, but I do feel good. Thank you to everyone for their thoughts and prayers, and to those who have reached out and sent messages. All of it has been appreciated.

I saw a meme once where two people are talking about the future. One is anticipating climate change, political and economic crisis, global pandemics, and all around doom. The other person said they were anticipating that the future would bring flowers. When asked why, they said it was because they had planted seeds. So profound. This isn’t to make light of all the strife that is happening, but to highlight the importance of doing something to effect a positive change no matter how small, and of giving yourself something to look forward to. If there is any reason why we might raise dairy goats and garden and all of that, this would be why. There are still many, many things to look forward to.

We’ve got garlic coming:

And tulips, crocuses, daffodils and hyacinths:

And goat kids:

Black-Eyed Susan has developed an udder – one of the surest signs that birth is coming soon!

And a new sourdough starter culturing:

I use Paul Hollywood’s Sourdough Starter and his Classic Sourdough Recipe

I have no answer for how we all ought to react in times like these. But, if I were to suggest anything, it would be to plant flowers, start some sourdough, teach yourself how to do something like brew beer or make homemade wine. Make cheese, cook something you never have before, teach yourself how to paint, to carve, to build, to anything. You can learn how to do whatever you want through YouTube nowadays. And the supplies can be gotten through online easily, so you can obtain what you need while practicing appropriate social distancing. It will take a long time to cultivate new skills, or to wait for flowers, wine or cheese to be ready. But, I think we all need a reminder that better days will dawn, and that the future has good things to bring us.

One thought on “Happy First Day of Spring

  1. Enjoyed your post! I like your positive thinking! YOU ARE RIGHT!The flowers in my garden are getting ready to brighten our days.

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